Terms and conditions


1.1. The Client receives a Crypto Address from the Custodian, where he can store an unlimited amount of cryptocurrency. The custodian undertakes to ensure the safety of the contents of the wallet, and return the cryptocurrency in full.
1.2. Monitoring the amount of cryptocurrency is possible only through the blockchain explorer.
1.3. The Custodian guarantees the confidentiality of the name and all data of the Client, as well as the balance of his Crypto Wallet.


2.1. Duties of the Custodian
2.1.1. The Custodian undertakes to ensure the safety of the contents of the Client’s Crypto Wallet until the entire balance of his Crypto Wallet is returned.
2.1.2. The Custodian undertakes to return the contents of the Crypto Wallet in full* at his first request and within two business days.**
2.1.3. The Custodian undertakes to take measures for the safety of the Crypto Wallet, the obligation of which is provided for by law, as well as other legal acts (fire protection, security, etc.).
2.1.4. The Custodian undertakes to take for the safety of the Crypto Wallet also measures that correspond to the essence of this Agreement – protection against cybercrime, hacks, thefts, minor force majeure actions (small earthquakes, floods, fires, military operations without the use of nuclear weapons in the area where the Crypto Wallet is stored.
2.1.5. The Custodian undertakes not to use the Cryptocurrency transferred for storage, as well as not to provide opportunities for use to third parties.
2.1.6. The Custodian undertakes to return to the Client the balance of the Crypto Wallet equal to its balance in the blockchain*.
2.1.7. The Custodian undertakes to comply with the rules of Confidentiality and non-disclosure of the secrets of storage.
2.1.8. The Custodian reserves the right to adjust the prices for services once a year. The new prices are only valid for new customers.

2.2. The client undertakes:
2.2.1. At the end of the storage period, provide the address of your Crypto wallet to withdraw cryptocurrency from the storage wallet. Or:
2.2.2. Reimburse the Custodian’s expenses in the event of an automatically extended 10-year storage of the Crypto Wallet in the amount and in the manner established by Section 3 of this Agreement.


3.1. This Agreement is valid for the period chosen by the Client. If the Client does not provide in advance the address of his Cryptowallet for withdrawing funds from the Vault, then at the end of the tariff period, the storage period is automatically extended for 10 years.
3.2. The Client is obliged to reimburse the Custodian for expenses in case of prolonging the storage of the Crypto Wallet. If the client refuses to pay, the amount will be deducted from his Crypto Wallet when the Cryptocurrency is returned. The client will be notified about this in advance.
3.3. Premature demand by the Client of the contents of his Crypto Wallet leads to termination of the agreement. Refund of the paid tariff or part of the tariff for storage is not provided.


4.1. The Custodian is responsible for the loss or shortage of the Cryptocurrency, unless he proves that the loss, shortage or damage occurred due to force majeure. For example, hacking the blockchain of the cryptocurrency itself, a strong earthquake, military operations with the use of nuclear weapons in the place where the Crypto Wallet is stored (Southern part of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany).
4.2. The Custodian guarantees the inviolability and integrity of the Crypto Wallet for an infinite amount of time. The storage period will be automatically extended for 10 years if the Client does not provide the address of his Crypto Wallet Address for withdrawal at the end of the period.
4.3. Losses caused to the Client by the loss or shortage of Cryptocurrency shall be reimbursed by the Custodian in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany.


5.1. In all cases not covered by this contract, the parties are guided by the applicable legal regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany.
5.2. This Agreement shall enter into force upon receipt by the Client of a certificate with the Cryptowallet address and shall be valid until the end or termination of the Agreement.
5.3. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid provided that they are familiarized by the Client.
5.4. The Custodian reserves the right to terminate the contract with the client without giving reasons. The Crypto Wallet balance will be returned in any case. The reasons for unilateral termination of the contract may be: information about the criminal origin of the cryptocurrency, aggressive communication with our employees, annoying requests for something that violates our policy or agreement, attempts to blackmail or deceive, negative information from our sources about the client.
5.5. In all disputes, this agreement shall prevail.
5.6.Place of trial – Court of Bonn, Germany

*(except for clause 3.2)
**according to the German calendar. The return of the balance of the Crypto Wallet entails the automatic closure of the tariff